Vala #5: Blake and God
The latest issue of the Blake Society Journal, Vala, focusses on Blake's relationship to God and religion general. Druids get involved. Download this and previous issues here.
Vala is the journal of the Blake Society. Members of the Society are sent a printed copy through the post, but a PDF version is free for anyone to download. If you would like a paper copy, please join the Blake Society.
The latest, fifth issue is devoted to the question of Blake’s relationship to God and the divine, his Christianity (or otherwise), his fondness for the ancient religion of the Druids, and other aspects of Blake’s spirituality and its interpretation.
Contributors include Iron Maiden’s Bruce Dickinson, Mark Vernon, Timothy Morton, Brian Collier, Sibylle Earle (Chair of The Blake Society), and Stephen Pritchard. I have a review in there myself, of Morton’s Hell: In Search of a Christian Ecology.
Previous issues of Vala can be downloaded using links at the bottom of this page.
I remember that at the launch of Vala #4 people were really impressed by the design and illustrations. Vala #5 looks even better.