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Christianity is the system of ethics that has antagonized the Philistine ethics of the priests (magi) over the millennia. Priests despise and exploit the populace. They are usurers, slavers, and practitioners of mind control. If society is full of Philistines, a system of lock step slavery to the priests emerges. Each individual serves his personal financial interest. If society is full of Christians (independent ethical actors), the mind control of the priests fails, and Christian freedom, love, and joy reign.

King James 1 wrote a study of Kings and Chronicles in the Old Testament. He explains that before the period of Hebrew slavery in Babylon, the priests kept the line of Babylonian kings completely illiterate. Why would a king need to know the alphabet? Daniel taught Nebuchadnezzar to read. Priests are always hiding knowledge so that they can exploit ignorance.

I've transcribed the biblical writings of King James on my archive: https://palamambron.substack.com/p/a-meditation-upon-the-chronicles I also listed them on Wikipedia. They are suppressed works.

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